Wow, just before Americans went batshit crazy… There were a few years of art style music and chill…
why do I get a feeling that Europe stopped being Europe around this time period? I mean, sure it’s London, but whatever…
The Internet In all it’s vastness… I recommend a healthy supply of marijuana.. and maybe a drink.. by the looks of things.
November 2022
This Game was Difficult to Control, Yet
It had a solid storyline.. an Open World for its day… and also seems a precurser to GTA 3rd person free roaming gameplay… It is worth revisiting.. Pure CyberPunk.
One of the Best Puzzle Games of all time. If you want to zone out and solve puzzles, this game was one of the best… the only thing it was missing, was an infinite run.
The world seems as its missing these sorts of games… zero societal constructs, zero political constructs… just a timer and a puzzle. Something refreshing about that.
Kings Avatar… a Drama about E-sports with a flair for Valor, Social Romance, Honorable Living, Hopes, and Dreams
This is the best show I watched over the past year and a half… and I have a Theory as to why.. Anyone want to share their theory as to why?
Word Games 101: Common Sense/Common Knowledge
There isn’t much to add to this clip. Pretty Straight Forward and foreboadingly real in too many situations.
Extremely Brief Explaination of Kids Games
Today’s video is very short… benign (or is it?)… but this is the explanation of Games and Theory.. this is the unveiled entire point of this section.. Socialization, being part of the “In” crowd or the crowd of “Others”… Games are encouraged throughout childhood and life, they are the very fiber of our societal “Slip Streams” and hierarchies… will we slip up or slip down? do not pass go… oh you’re skipped… etc etc… friendly competitions with the double edge of teaching why and how reward and punishment and “healthy cheating or rules changes”… hm…
I’m new to Android Gaming, I haven’t found the right game set yet, but there are a few that have my interest. How about any of you? Any great Games or Puzzles worth Recommending?
I have a tough time getting into video games.. I have much I want to do.. you know, career, relocate, family, life… etc… however, I kind of want to get into some vidoe games again… maybe if I had somewhere to simply feel relaxed… not much of that in the States now days.. not even for those who have house and family.. even the happy people have this trait of being anxiously happy or hyper happy.. seems relaxation and calm happy aren’t allowed anymore. what can I say, this is secretly a sociology blog… oh wait, I’ve done and said it.
Oh the serious Competitions that The Privilidged get to Play… truth be told, looks kind of fun but they could do better.
Quidditch… I could say alot about this, but I’ll keep it simple, Why not use Uni-Cycles and mount real brooms on them? What’s the problem? Would it require too much skill? Is it too nerdy for the “Cool Kids” …
It’s so good to have a Theory, But this clip is one of the best comedic renditions of “It’s Great to know how to exhaustively Ask the Right Questions”
One of the best scenes from a movie I used to watch often before I was a teenager… Still a classic Film..
As a Keyboard Activist from the States, I must say that my research has led me to view Cops or Police in a very different manner depending on their country of Service… Some places have skinny and even nerdy Police… other places like the U.S. seem to have Pitbulls in Blue.. The results seem obvious. Here’s a fun clip that kind of shows it in a funny way.
“It Ain’t Easy Being a Cop… My Partner here, he writes Kid’s Stories in Crayon, and he hasn’t had any published yet so he’s in a Really Bad Mood” —cracks me up every time
What can I Say? Dr. Strangelove is Not a Porno… almost be better if it was…
When I was a small child, before the internet… I heard “Dr. Strangelove” mentioned over and over… not the movie just the name.. and as a small child, before the internet, I still somehow intuited that it was a porno.. I never saw the movie until I was 21.. I am thoroughly pleased that it wasn’t a porno.. All millenials and well, everyone after GENx… if you haven’t seen it, it might be required viewing.. might be, might not be.. its your choice.
The Game here is an Old Game that gets played in the States very often… If you are aldult enough to pardon my language… The Game is Called a “Pissing Contest”
I can’t vouch for the accuracy of this posting… but there are some things to think about… difficult how? I know there are some captions indicating the “How” but how many of those are real hows or are they “Hows” used to superficially aculturalize and assimilate the student into doing things “The way we always do it”… how very un innovating.
One of the Most fun Games of my Childhood; So simple and It was an original low budget competition of Raging Against Machines.
Something about this game was really appealing… I used to joke that if I ever got to open my Cafe, I would have a Simon League… really it would just be 1 night every quarter… and at the end of the year, We’d have a Championship between the 8 winners (1st place and 2nd place winners from every quarter would play championship night) I’d cater the event, and do it right… silly, but kind of fun anyway.
Back to Another Game that often used to get played by latter aged Teens, College Students and Housewives everywhere… Now the Soap Opera has been Replaced by “Reality T.V.” but this was really a game that taught Gossip and Conspiracy.. albeit a very domesticated kind.
Games and theory argument; Daytime T.v. 1967-1980s… The decades of the Affluent Stay at Home Mom.. and the T.V. Generations.. Psychology, Fears, Dreams, Aspirations, Excuses, Acceptable Tensions etc etc etc… For those in the Game of Social Movements and Psychology of Nations… here is the thing, These forgotten shows and moments.. are the subliminal now. What do I mean? I mean everyday subliminal.. the sort of thing that makes problems or errors in judgement to be considered “human nature” even though, other cultures don’t have the same problems or judgements as their standard operating procedures… but then, I suppose that is what colonialism was about in it’s essence.. it was about forcing a system of “oh that’s human nature”..
Art is very much a Game that People can Create and Play.. this looks like a great avenue to promote Artistic Vision. If I could get a CPU that could play this, I would, without a doubt. Anyone who plays this, why not submit your Screen Shots here?
This is a great game.. If i could, I’d build a spot for all my connections on all my medias to gather..
A Clip from the History of Wax Trax Records… where did us Outcasts and Idealists go before the “Square” and “Successfull” world of Parents and Teachers encouraged “activism”? Well, smoke filled rooms and concerts in the “Underground Scenes” of course. Somehow, we Have to Restore a Middle Ground.
After the 60s.. when the “Squares” took over this country.. and the “hippies” became yuppies or ended up overdosing.. there weren’t any movements.. none allowed.. the only way to get the feel of a movement, was underground scenes.. these are the times, punk began, the times rap and hip hop began, the times industrial began.. all holding a few pieces in the puzzle of our current Struggles.
One of the Greatest Science Fiction Games that almost have the subtitle “This Could Be Anywhere” attached to it. When The “Ists'” of Science have lost their heads, Bizarre Results are what we get.
Good Morning.. Just a casual workday getting ready to begin… Anyone remember many firsts.. especially in the Gaming world. I don’t think many people understand, just what it means, to begin during the height of 8-bit gaming and seeing the virtual world strong enough to create now.. this is probably the best stage of video gaming.. the Half-life stage.
I’m not Just nostalgic here, The old Games… they had something so much more satisfying to them. They Still do, once you know how to set them well.
The old Games.. before attitude became the game.. before the game became sustained attitude, there was just better action, better wonder, better curiosity, better investigations. In the arts, it was a common phrase to warn people “not to paint themselves into a corner”.. seems our video writers have been doing just that. haven’t they?
The Creative Arts, of the old Analog Sunsets and Digital Dawns
I really like documentaries like this.. The story is a great story in this documentary.. Sort of an Infancy industry.. Knowledge and being a professional technician back then, was valued, but they also valued people with heart and curiosity from even the most mundane professional backgrounds. Very much unlike Today.
Soccer and Comedy… Great Games, Great Theory
Comedy… One genre that really does equate to Games and Theory…
This is a Good Documentary of the Old Games… and Their Creators and Personalities..
Great Sociology can be found in such documentaries.. Often old games, have the best characters and stories. They often create the best of the individual playing. The difference between Old Games and Modern Games is almost the same as between a Book and a Movie.
I grew up outside of Philadelphia… and yes, the Surrounding Suburbs and Much of Philadelphia is just like the personalities in the show… This is a good clip and its funny… but there is nothing really funny about growing up Around Philadelphia as an Academic Expert in Research and… well answers that are true… unless you can somehow find a way to say the answers in a defeatist or funny manner and conclude with “this is why we don’t have nice things.”
It’s always good to have a theory..
Anyone Know about Baseball out there? If anyone Studies U.S. Politics in the Recent Years…. you may conclude similar to myself… “They all play Baseball in U.S. Politics”
There is still a lot of debate about who was in and who was out.. Game fixing.. an interesting concept. Another concept is life or Career Fixing.