.NET 101

February 2023

So the internet, apparently this thing has a future..Supposedly a very different look and feel. Idk, i think there will be a lot of people using the old tools to travel the spaces.. The internet itself, will probably spawn ita own religion. A sort of religion with its own rights, its own inner truths, its own rituals.

December 2022

Cyber Security… It is as important as Gym Class and Lunch. It ought to be taught in Schools as well as Social Media Ethics, Not as an elective… as a Mandatory for Graduation.

The Data Mine… the accessing of Minds through Mines. Stories of Data Science.

November 2022

To Consolidate a “Web”:

One of the Birthing Pains of any Conference, Class Room, Meeting, Legal Preceding, Debate Competitions, as well as other Clubs.. Is setting up an Environment of “Rules Based Dialogue” . long story short, its all about Status, Rank, and Chains of Command. This is important to consider in our “Spheres of Circumstance”

What is a hacker? Is it some sort of Life Hack Thing? IS it tweeking or modifying a cooking Recipe? No. Hacking is mainly about Information and Tele-Communications.

One of my earliest school memories, which one can have in the concept of looking for answers outside the box, outside of main stream society and main stream institutions; Came about when I was in the 9th Grade… It was in the form of five 3.5 inch floppy disks.
Onward began my journey into the concept of Hacking and its own Historiy. These people, these Hackers…. They are the Pioneers and the Outlaws of The Information Age… They are like any of the Greatest Underground Musicians, not just in their Vision, but in their Creativity…. tip of the iceberg number 1 for anyone on the internet.

Station Identification: The Independent Media Center

I remember visiting the Indy Media sites around the time that I would have been a Freshman in College. It was a great source for those just beginning to look at the world in a way that desired specifics. Specifics in History, Specifics in Locational Theories of History. Looking back, I can’t help but notice how those who went on to college and then on to lead are and were so incapable of in depth analysis and common talk explainations, that I figure College must have worked more as a vocabulary test of “How to Sound Smarter using These 10 Obscure Industry Specific Words and Phrases”
A Documentary, Who are the Telecoms? This is probably the industry with the biggest impact on Western World Politics and Economics. Take a look, dig deeper.


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