Biographies of the Cyber-Realms {Fictional or Otherwise}
April 2023
As society has been sectioning itself off more and more, in direct contrast to the spiritual ideals of all is one, I find it refreshing to remember a time before this “T-shirt” paradise. When one could remember the strength in not having a name or a slogan. I am reminded in my own life, how this forgotten age was at its height, when society still had room for all of us regulars in the most mundane of restaurant smoking sections. I share with you a song and a stand up perspective from a much ridiculed yet exceedingly successful comedian. Maybe you will take note of their other work. Posts are glimpses and nods; not always endorsements.
March 2023
Richard Milhouse Nixon:

I think it’s time I actually read the biography of an American president. Nixon is Everywhere in the world’s systems right now. I bet he may have the furthest reach of any president in the American Catalogue of Presidents.. though I don’t like the man in the context of so much, I still ought to find reason to know more than the popular history of Vietnam and deepthroat.. for instance.